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Google Account: Image

Student Google Account

First things, first...

1. To access, go to Google sign-in (NOT Gmail) using this link:

2. Put in the email address that is at the top of your Student Password/Login Page. Your parents received this page on ClassDojo, in an email, or in a Remind Message. If you don't know what this is, PLEASE ASK them about it.

3. Click next, and put in the password.You will need to confirm that you are a STUDENT.

4. On the top right side, there are nine little dots, click to access the Google Apps and find Gmail.

5. Click the Gmail app.

6. There should be an email message from me called "Welcome Email from Mrs. Keller". Please reply to that message and I'll know that everything works for you.

Google Account: Welcome
Google Account: Image
Google Account: Online Classes

How to access Google Classroom:

Signing in for the first time...

Go to and click SIGN IN.
Sign in with your Google Account (
If there is a welcome message, read it and click Accept.
If you're using a G Suite for Education account, click I'm A Student. 
Click Get Started.

Google Account: Syllabus
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